Shelby GT-500

Moderatoren: TomiTomi, mod-test

Beiträge: 6880
Registriert: 19.10.2006, 15:40

Shelby GT-500

Beitrag von TomiTomi » 04.11.2006, 20:20

Beiträge: 6880
Registriert: 19.10.2006, 15:40

Beitrag von TomiTomi » 04.11.2006, 20:22

Kelly Clarkson: Go - das coolste (Werbe-)Videoclip 8)

Beiträge: 6880
Registriert: 19.10.2006, 15:40

Beitrag von TomiTomi » 04.11.2006, 20:28

Video: Shelby GT500 Mustang Test, das einfach Lust auf mehr macht. ;)

Cruising Director
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Beitrag von CCRenegade » 07.11.2006, 09:12

Offizieller "Hero"-Prospekt des GT500 gibts hier.

Dazu gibt es auch noch ein schönes Poster für an die Wand.
Click me

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Registriert: 19.10.2006, 15:40

Beitrag von TomiTomi » 07.11.2006, 09:29

CCRenegade hat geschrieben: Dazu gibt es auch noch ein schönes Poster für an die Wand.
Click me
Ist ne interessante Lösung nen Poster als PDF bereitzustellen. :roll: Das Bild hat gut sichtbare JPEG Artefakte. :?

:idea: Schön wäre das Prospekt in der Hand halten zu können.

Daily Driver
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Registriert: 22.10.2006, 21:30
Wohnort: Bellikon AG

Beitrag von Seimn » 10.11.2006, 22:36

Hehe der weiss was gut ist! :rrr:
:usa: Born about 40 years too late! Ridin' on'n'on! :usa:

Beiträge: 6880
Registriert: 19.10.2006, 15:40

Beitrag von TomiTomi » 14.11.2006, 16:46

Es gibt in der Dezember Ausgabe von Motortrend einen Vergleichtest zwischen Viper, Z06 und GT500. Im Net sind nur Bilder vom Test. (Und ich muss noch dazukommen den Artikel zu lesen. ;))



Weitere Bilder auch in höherer Auflösung. ;)

Hab ich nur den Eindruck, dass Viper und Z06 ziemlich ähnlich aussehen? :roll:

Daily Driver
Beiträge: 549
Registriert: 22.10.2006, 21:30
Wohnort: Bellikon AG

Beitrag von Seimn » 14.11.2006, 19:24

@Z06 und Viper. Auf den Bildern ja. Hast sie aber vor dir stehen definitiv nein. Dachte erst auch dass das ja fast langweilig wird. Als ich sie allerdings fahren und stehen sah waren es wirklich Welten zwischen den beiden! Die Viper ist viel "dünner" oder "schnittiger" während die Z06 weiterhin auf ihrem fetten (aber trotzdem geilen) Ar*** sitzen bleibt. Soviel dazu ;)
:usa: Born about 40 years too late! Ridin' on'n'on! :usa:

Beiträge: 80
Registriert: 19.10.2006, 21:50
Wohnort: Greenbow Alabama

Beitrag von DUSTI » 15.11.2006, 03:33

Ich hab's glaub ich in irgend einem anderem Thread schon mal gesagt, aber
BEVOR ich die GT500 kaufen wuerde fuer $ 60.000,- oder mehr dann eher
ne Viper - DAS Ding iss einfach der Hammer !

Habe mir letzte Woche den GT500 beim Haendler angeschaut und war
ABSOLUT unbeeindruckt !!

Stickerpreis $ 45.000,- PLUS $ 20.000,- "dealer adjustment" :roll:

Beiträge: 6880
Registriert: 19.10.2006, 15:40

Beitrag von TomiTomi » 17.11.2006, 22:32


Also der Test des Motortrends. Bei Beschleunigung und auf einer Rennstrecke sind Z06 und Viper klar schneller als der GT500:

GT500 0-60 -> 4,4s; 1/4m 12,7s@114,2mph lap time: 1:04,954
Viper 0-60 -> 3,9s ; 1/4m 12,1s@120,9mph lap time: 1:01,151
Z06 0-60 -> 3,8s; 1/4m 11,7@125,2mph lap time: 1:01,165

Nach Strassentests, wo auch die Alltagstauglichkeit bewertet wurde, ist folgende Gesamtreihenfolge rausgekommen:

1. Z06
2. GT500
3. Viper

Beiträge: 6880
Registriert: 19.10.2006, 15:40

Beitrag von TomiTomi » 17.11.2006, 22:33


Beiträge: 6880
Registriert: 19.10.2006, 15:40

Beitrag von TomiTomi » 08.12.2006, 22:32


Der MotorTrend Vergleichstest aus der Dezember-Ausgabe ist im I-Net angekommen:

Comparison: 2006 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 vs. 2006 Dodge Viper SRT10 Coupe vs. 2007 Ford Shelby GT500 Coupe

Das Ergebnis:
MotorTrend hat geschrieben:Three
Dodge Viper SRT10 Coupe
Best enjoyed in small doses at max lat. Those seeking a long-term relationship may want to look elsewhere.

Ford Shelby GT500
Powerful and stirring, yet thoroughly civilized. Spells "value" in capital letters.

Chevrolet Corvette Z06
You could drive it every day. You could almost drive it at Le Mans.

Steve McQueen
Beiträge: 5697
Registriert: 19.10.2006, 16:07
Wohnort: Luzern / Zürich

Beitrag von Jen » 18.12.2006, 11:33

Ein bisschen kritischer Lesestoff als Information ohne Hintergedanken

Shelby GT500 - Counterpoint

A small bump in the road traversed at the slightest discernible angle on dry pavement at 50mph will send the Shelby GT500’s rear end sideways with enough violence to engage the traction control. If you don't care, God bless you. I fully understand and appreciate your perspective: muscle cars are about power, not finesse. Finesse is for people who aren’t willing to risk their childrens' future to experience a few moments of high horsepower hoonery. Fine. But include me out.

Don’t get me wrong: I love monstrous horsepower. Whether it’s the painful jolt of a Carrera GT or an Enzo stretching the time space continuum, I’m a fervent fan of fast. But I also like to write about it. That means I only deploy as much horsepower as the car can handle without hitting solid objects. First, that requires stop-the-world-I-want-to-get-off braking power. Second, it requires a suspension that's several orders of magnitude better than the one fitted to a 1972 Chevrolet Monte Carlo. While the GT500 has sufficient stoppers for a nose-heavy, morbidly obese, 500hp two-door– provided you don’t mind standing on the brake pedal– it serves-up less chassis control than a [very] Flexible Flyer.

Let’s think about this. There you are at a stoplight. It turns green. You give it some. With its live rear axle suspension, the GT500 judders like a giant's attacking the entire car with a humongous pneumatic drill. Switch off the traction control and you're treading asphalt in a cloud of tire smoke. If you accelerate hard over a crap road, the juddering morphs into full-on pavement surfing. And don’t get to thinking that the bone shaking is reserved for those times when your right foot ignores your left brain. If the GT500 cruises over a stretch of broken pavement, it's another surfin' safari.

I know: who cares? It’s a 500hp rear wheel-drive muscle car! That’s like saying it’s OK to shag Adriana Lima even if you know she’s got herpes. Maybe you’ll catch it, maybe you won’t. Why worry when it feels so gooood? ‘Cause it will right until the moment it doesn't. In fact, the only way avoid tree trouble with the ferociously fast GT500’s loosey-goosy handling is either A) drive it on Germany’s glassine roads or B)– nope, that’s it. The TV actor who took the GT500 to Chrysler’s homeland because he couldn’t “find a speed limit he liked” actually made the trip because he couldn’t find a road he could keep it on.

Oh, and the GT500 may be electronically limited to 155mph– enough to get you spanked on the autobahn by any number of lesser-horsed automobiles– but take it from someone who had to get to Beantown in a hurry, I would NOT want to be the one testing Nanny’s leash. I could have made more rapid progress in an Acura TL. Ah, but the TL is an anodyne automobile, a gussied-up Honda Accord with about as much soul as chicken pot pie. The Shelby GT500 is a fire-breathing Mustang hopped-up by the master, with more spice than the homemade hot sauce at Leonard’s Pit Barbecue, 5465 Fox Plaza, Memphis, Tennessee. While I prefer the Mustang GT’s shark-like snout to the GT500’s center-mounted bookshelf, I’ll grant you that the Shelby is one sexy looking beast– from the outside.

From the inside, it’s a rental car. Forty large (without the sucker’s premium) buys you precisely nothing in the interior style department. You’re still ensconced in a car (as Frank Williams puts it) lousy with cheap. The cabin is dour, suffused with nasty ass plastic and bereft of the slightest joyful attention to detail. For example, the vanity mirrors are sub-Barbie quality and the electric driver’s seat reclines manually.

Even the bits where Ford could have made a real statement– the stereo, steering wheel, seats and shift knob– are po’ faced and pathetic. How much would it have cost to make the GT500’s interior special? At such low volumes, why don’t Ford’s "designers" simply ship the uber-Stang off to some aftermarket company to fit top notch ICE, a racing wheel, Recaro seats and a Hurst-style shift knob? Maybe they could even do something about that rear axle…

Now I know many of you are itching to wail on me in the comments’ section with all sorts of blather about retro cool and manly men doing manly things in maximum Mustang muscle cars. Not to mention the economic arguments: bang- for-the-buck and halo car. Besides, if people want to buy them, why not sell them? Because retro is one thing, repeating the mistakes of the past is another. The GT500 may be a die-hard (one hopes) enthusiast's catnip, but it also reveals the ongoing supremacy of Ford's beancounters, and the company's continued inability to produce a fast, affordable rear wheel-drive car that handles as well as it goes.


Steve McQueen
Beiträge: 5697
Registriert: 19.10.2006, 16:07
Wohnort: Luzern / Zürich

Beitrag von Jen » 18.12.2006, 11:35

Noch einer:

Ford Shelby GT500

You know that bumper sticker “He who dies with the most toys wins?” While it might be perfectly at home affixed to the bumper of a BMW M6 or a Lamborghini Gallardo, such a wholesome piece of braggadocio would be hopelessly out of place stuck to the bumper of the thuggish Shelby GT500. A more appropriate piece of signage might be, “My muscle car can beat up your supercar.” If we are being honest, the sticker would read “I did your Mamma and she liked it.”

From certain angles, a lay person would have no idea that the Shelby GT500 is the most powerful and expensive Mustang ever to scream out of Flat Rock. The obvious tell is the gaped-maw with its deep, parking-block hostile air dam, and the pec implant known as the power dome hood. But the snakes on a ‘Stang are the best giveaway. The Shelby’s sheetmetal is festooned with no less than four cobras. Keen eyes will also clock the goofy-wide 285 tires nestled snugly in front of the rear-diffuser. The ten-spoke 18” wheels are sharply dressed and the blue skunk-stripes sufficiently gauche. The whole package adds up to a life-size Hot Wheel.

Once inside, Mustang aficionados will feel right at home, with a few noteworthy exceptions. A giant Cobra hisses humorously from the center of the steering wheel, adding animal animus to the two angry serpents stitched into the hard leather seats. If you have any doubts about the GT500’s patriotic fervor (and why would you?), just set the adjustable gauge colors to red, white and blue. The SVT badge in the center of the tach (switched from left to right for visibility) is the interior’s coolest feature. When you reach your (selectable) shift-point, it glows a fiery orange. Might I suggest 4,300rpm?

So how does a vehicle that lays down 89.999% of its righteous 500 horsepower sound? Like the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse in an echo chamber. How does it feel? Like a head butt. Release the clutch and there is a moment of hesitation, almost as if the rear tires are asking, “You’re not serious?” And then BAM, you’re going 60, then 80, then much faster– until finally you are standing on the perfectly chosen 14” Brembos praying that nothing crosses your path before the speedo is once again displaying double-digits. The insane shrieking from the supercharger and the feeling of certain death from the abysmal suspension setup only makes you pray harder.

FoMoCo alleges that the Shelby hits 60mph in 4.5 seconds. I wager that you actually hit 60mph in 3.5 seconds. Again, the GT500 seems to muck about for a full second before it decides to go anywhere. Some blame is due to the ridiculously antiquated live rear-axle. Over certain pieces of pavement you are left wondering what happened to the ox. Fault also lies in the fact that 58% of the lardy 3920lbs. ride up front. Unlike the equally unbalanced RS4, there is no German precision engineering holding down the fort. What happens is entirely between you and your right foot.

It’s true: the GT500 isn’t clever, engineered, refined or dignified. It’s just plain old mean. If you were to autopomorphize Jack Lambert, you’d wind up with a GT500, missing teeth and all. I have never ridden in a cruder modern vehicle. It bangs and lurches and drunkenly slurs all over the road, especially when you are pointed straight ahead. Case in point; the headrests feature more squish than the rest of the seat.

Luckily, Ford’s go-faster crew have replaced the Mustang’s floppy, last-century five-speed with a short-throw six-speed Tremec device. While it’s a highly effective cog swapper, the gearbox feels as if it were crafted from bone and piano wire. Do I care? Hell no. The GT500 is more exciting to drive than any vehicle in memory. You like cars that wag their tails? Brother, have I got a dog for you! With the traction control (stupidly) switched off and a few degrees dialed into the tiller, you will swear on your mother’s eyes that a ski is mounted east/west where the rear wheels should be. Donuts? I was doing éclairs. They were delicious.

At heart Shelby’s GT500 is the modern muscle car that pistonheads have been clamoring for since Buick put the GNX out to pasture. Mindless, irresponsible power coupled with antisocial handling equals a big, dumb grin. At just a hair over $40,000 (not counting the well earned, $1300 gas-guzzler fine), the price is right. For what you ask? A two-plus-two that doesn't quite equal four, that can't take down corners with half the grace of cars with half the horsepower, whose engine note signals to anyone within earshot that the GT500's driver is a politically incorrect speed freak whose heart pumps premium unleaded? Yup.


Beiträge: 6880
Registriert: 19.10.2006, 15:40

Beitrag von TomiTomi » 18.12.2006, 22:50

Jen hat geschrieben:Shelby GT500 - Counterpoint
Ich denke, viel neues steht nicht drin. :roll: Jen, wenn du mit ihm einverstanden bist, dann solltest du doch keinen Mustang kaufen. ;) Sondern ein Carrea GT oder Enzo. :D

Grösste Teil der Beschreibung passt auch auf meinen GT zu. Nur die Gewichtsverteilung ist besser. Aber grad diese Macken machen einen Charakterkopf aus diesem Wagen. "Comfortably numb" kannst du bei vielen anderen Marken werden. ;)

