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Shelby Autos verklagt wegen nicht bezahlten KR Teilen

Verfasst: 02.01.2010, 08:03
von Jen
Hm... :? hat geschrieben:Shelby Autos has found themselves at the center of a lawsuit filed by Plasan Carbon Composites, a supplier of Carbon Fiber parts. Plasan filed the lawsuit on December 17th in the U.S. District Court of Vermont claiming Shelby Autos refused to pay invoices for GT500KR carbon fiber parts they manufactured and delivered back in 2008.

The lawsuit states Plasan manufactured 1,747 sets of Carbon Fiber parts for the Shelby GT500KR which they delivered to Shelby Autos starting in April of 2008 and ending in December of 2008. A set of Carbon fiber parts includes four-pieces, those pieces include a GT500KR hood, front splitter, and a left and right mirror cover. In other documents associated with the case it states Shelby Autos paid $760,000 for 200 sets of parts. With a little junior high math we have concluded that each set cost Shelby Autos $3,800. More junior high math gives us a total of $6,638,600 Carbon Fiber parts that were not paid for.

In addition to the Carbon Fiber parts Plasan is also suing for non-payment of five "Knight Rider" hoods they made for Shelby Autos back in 2008. The Knight Rider hoods were lessor quality than the GT500KR and their value has been placed at $1,500 a hood. Also Plasan is suing for non-payment of an Employee Incentive Program valued at $43,575 that was put in place to provide workers extra money for the extra effort and overtime needed for this type of order.

From the looks of the lawsuit Shelby Autos is going to have a tough time beating this one. Is Shelby Autos having money troubles or have they decided to just stiff one of there suppliers in hopes they will get the debt reduced. We will have to keep a watch on this one to see how it plays out.

To take a peek at the lawsuit filed by Plasan click here.

Verfasst: 02.01.2010, 11:55
von swiss-stang
zu lesen schlecht ist darüber zu übersetzen einfach nicht zu ist :?:

Verfasst: 02.01.2010, 12:57
von Booster
Oups, ich hoffe Plasan kommt bei Nacht und Nebel nicht bei den KR-Besitzern vorbei, um die Carbon-Teile abzuholen......... :lol: :lol:
Würde mich ärgern, wenn die Haube von meinem Pony weg wäre.........